Farms present many potential hazards such as animals, fur, dirt, uneven ground, and too many others to list comprehensively. It is not a sterile environment, and animals are not machines. Kangaroo Creek Farm and its operators cannot and will not accept any liability for loss or injury should you choose to visit.

Please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below.

Absolutely no smoking on the farm. A carelessly discarded cigerette butt can make an animal seriously ill or start a fire. Please be considerate, police your own children and use common sense. Abusive behavior to animals or staff will not be tolerated and we reserve the right to ask anyone to leave at any time. Thank You.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Are dogs allowed at the farm?

Do NOT leave your dog in the car. It will be reported to the RCMP, Dog Control and the SPCA.

  • Dogs, of any size or breed, are NOT allowed in the animal enclosures. It’s not safe for the dog, or our animals.
  • Service dogs and Emotional Support animals are NOT allowed in the animal enclosures. It’s not safe. It’s an animal welfare issue.
  • Dogs which are well-behaved, and on a leash, and accompanied by a person at all times, ARE allowed but ONLY in the picnic area.
  • Dogs must be kept away from the fencing around the animal enclosures.
  • Please consider leaving your dog at home, or make arrangements for it to go to a kennel for a play-date.
  • Bark n’ Fly Kennel is our immediate neighbor. They have drop-in rates, but you will need to contact them directly to check if they have any availability.
  • Contact them through their website or email at or call 250 765 8105.

Do we breed kangaroos and wallabies for their meat and hides?

No, we do not. All our kangaroos and wallabies are hobby farm pets. They all have names, and almost all of them live out their entire lives with us. You may have seen exotic meat, including kangaroo meat, on the shelf in local stores. All of the kangaroo meat for sale, anywhere in the world, is from wild culled sources and comes directly from Australia. Australia exports kangaroo meat and hides to about 50 different countries. In Canada, a kangaroo is a very valuable animal. It would not be economical to breed them for their meat, and in fact there are no licensed abattoirs to send them to for slaughter, even if we were so inclined, which we definitely are not.

If you rarely sell kangaroos, and you have joeys every year, why are there not a lot more at the farm every year?

We do have more kangaroos at the farm every year. We have been open to the public now for 9 years. We started out with 12 kangaroos. 9 years later we have 54 kangaroos. That’s a difference of 42 animals. That means that on average we have added (rounding) 5 kangaroos per year. However, one also has to factor in the natural attrition of 2 or 3 animals per year from old age and/or illness. That would mean that in reality we are adding about 7 or 8 animals per year. That’s about right. It’s important to remember that kangaroos only produce 1 independent joey per year. Some of our females are elderly and no longer produce joeys, or never did produce joeys. We have a lot more males than females. Male kangaroos do not have joeys. As time goes on, we will produce a few more joeys than we did the year before, but it will still be some years before we reach our goal of a mob numbering about 100 animals. Once we reach that number we will keep our intact males separately from the females, and only a select number of females will be introduced to those males in order to keep up with natural attrition. Almost all those animals will live out their entire lives on the farms. We have rarely sold animals in the past (a total of 6 adult males over the last 5 years) and have no plans to sell any at all in the future.

Why do we have kangaroos, and why are they not living in the wild?

Our original animals were rescues and came to us out of New Zealand (which they are not native to) New Zealand was in the process of eliminating all their non-native species (shooting and poisoning).  If we had not removed them from New Zealand, they would have been destroyed.  The rest of our kangaroos and wallabies came from other North American breeders.  We keep kangaroos and wallabies strictly as pets.  We do not breed them for their meat or their hides.  Kangaroos outside of Australia are very valuable because it has been impossible to import them from Australia since the 1960’s.  The ones that were outside of Australia at that time could not be sent back.

We do rescue a number of other species.  100% of our parrots are rescues.  We give them a forever home.  We have also rescued a number of sugar gliders.  We’ve also been “gifted” numerous chickens and ducks and a few rabbits by people who think the appropriate way to get rid of their unwanted animals/birds is to boost them over our fence!

Kangaroo Creek Farm is not a charity, nor is it a not-for-profit, or registered organization.  It is simply a family run and owned business.

Is there a quieter time to visit the farm?

If you would like a more relaxed and peaceful experience at the farm, then we recommend that you avoid visiting during the holidays and the weekends if possible.  The best time of day to visit is first thing in the morning when we open at 10 a.m.  The animals are at their most lively and still eager for their treats.

I've seen your staff carry kangaroos by their tails, or push them along by their tails. Does this hurt them?

No, it doesn’t hurt them, and is the recommended way of carrying them to avoid injury to both the animal and the handler. A kangaroo’s tail is the strongest part of it’s body. There is a rock-solid connection between the base of the tail and the base of the spine. Attempting to move a kangaroo anywhere it doesn’t want to go by any other method may well injure the animal. They have very fragile upper bodies, so carrying them bodily is a bad idea, and cooperation is unlikely. Likewise they have very fragile front legs. Any attempt to lift or restrain a kangaroo by it’s front limbs will probably result in broken bones and/or dislocation. Injury to a hind limb could be a life-ending injury.  One alternative to lifting a kangaroo by it’s tail is to “wheelbarrow” it. This involves picking up the tail and pushing the animal in the direction you want it to go. Sounds simple, but takes some effort. I have actually water-skied behind kangaroos minus the water. Hard to say who is controlling what. Handling an adult by the tail is a rarity and only done when necessary. You might also see us pick a joey up by the tail in order to put it head first into it’s cloth pouch. This makes it easy for the joey to arrange itself into a comfortable position. Eventually they learn to barrel roll head first into a pouch as soon as it is offered to them.


Commercial groups such as schools, daycares, retirement homes, clubs and organizations must book by email at You will receive an email back very promptly with confirmation and a lot of useful info. Unfortunately we cannot accept bookings by phone.  To avoid possible disappointment, please book as far in advance as possible as we try to limit how many large commercial groups are allowed to come at the same time.

Click here to learn more about group and commercial visits.


Kangaroo Creek Farm has a tradition of providing free services to registered charities and not-for-profits that cater to the disadvantaged, and special-needs.  We also have a tradition of allowing LOCAL schools, certain types of clubs (ie, Girl/Boy scouts etc), and charities/not-for-profits (ie Shriners, Ronald MacDonald House and etc) to attend for free. Free school visits are limited to Lake Country, Ellison (District of Kelowna), and UBC Okanagan.  We are also proud sponsors of the Kelowna and Vernon Women’s Shelter, and the Food Bank. We are very pleased to be able to provide this service to our community.

If you represent a charity, organization, not-for-profit, or school that you think might qualify for free admission, then please email us, and we will certainly consider adding your organization or charity to our free visitation list. Do not turn up without a booking with the assumption that we will let you in for free, even if we let you in last year for free. This does not necessarily entitle you to free visitation this year. We have moved locations and we are striving to improve our services and to become ever more professional, and this requires a review of our practices.


Apply for approval as a free group and book a specific date by EMAIL ONLY at

  • You CANNOT book by phone, and you do NOT have a booking unless it has been CONFIRMED in advance by return email.

Limit the number of clients to no more than 12 individuals. The number of accompanying care givers must be appropriate to the needs of the clients.

Special-needs groups, even if they have developmental disabilities, MUST still be able to comply with the RULES. All our rules are safety based, and therefore cannot be compromised.

4 + 10 =



There is public seating available for picnics and self-catered birthday parties. There is no extra charge to hold a birthday party at Kangaroo Creek Farm. Please tidy up after yourself and please don’t let your kids pick or trample the flowers.

We are having a bit of a problem with parents socializing on the lawn and sending their kids into the animal pens unaccompanied. This is not acceptable. I shouldn’t have to leave my work to search the property for a 2 year olds parents!

Birthday parties need to be cleaned up and gone by closing. There are bathroom facilities on site.